Tag Archives: birthdays

My Nephew’s Birthday

Saturday was my first “nephew’s” twelfth birthday. It’s hard to believe he’s already twelve! Why I remember when he was just a pup…

Yes, my first nephew was a puppy, but not for long! Somebody told me that having a sister ages you. Enter Grendel.

She’s not nicknamed “The Monster” for nothing, you know!

I’ve taken many pictures of the hounds over the years; it’s hard to choose my favorite. But this one with McBro is definitely high on the list:

It’s sure hard to resist this little face:

Happy Birthday, old man! You deserve a nap today!!


Filed under FunStuff

Many Thanks!

Happy Birthday, McTeach

Happy Birthday, McTeach

Well, they did it. My wonderful seventh graders actually had me speechless this morning! Don’t worry…I got over it. But it took a moment or two.

I cannot tell you how grateful I am for your birthday gifts. The album of notes from my students was, by far, the best gift I could have received…even better than chocolate. I know!! Can you imagine such a thing? Well, actually, you could if you were a teacher feeling so much love and appreciation from her students.

I especially loved what one student wrote: “We’re not just a class and a teacher…we’re a family.” That’s so very true. You’re the first people I think of in the morning, and the last people I think of at night. I carry you in my heart wherever I go, and am ever-so-grateful that God brought all of us together.

Many, many thanks for making this teacher feel so very special, so very loved.


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