Monthly Archives: March 2015

Sentence Contest – Week Two

Thank you to all those who voted in our sentence contest last week! I did let my students know the winning sentence on Friday but forgot to post it here. My apologies! Last week’s winning sentence was:

The gooey, pearly white marshmallow melted on my tongue, sweet and creamy, reminding me of warm summer nights spent around the fire making s’mores.

Written by Katie C.

This morning I provided my seventh graders with the sentence “The sunset was pretty,” and asked them to paint me a sunset with words. It was not easy choosing only five to share with you, but I’m hoping you’ll be able to choose just one as this week’s winning sentence. Good luck!

We have a short week this week, so voting will close Wednesday so I can inform the kids on Thursday.

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Filed under Writing

Sentence Contest – Week One

Since we have such wonderful writers in my current class, I thought it would be fun to have a sentence writing contest each week. So yesterday I gave the class an incredibly boring sentence (The marshmallow was good) and asked them to create a much more descriptive sentence, one that we could practically taste. It was a bad day to forget my lunch, let me tell you. By the time I’d finished reading all of their sentences, my stomach was growling so loudly that it frightened the cat.

We could use your help in deciding the winning sentence. If you have a moment, would you please complete this form by Thursday, March 26th, and I’ll announce the winner on Friday. Thank you!

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