
This blog is a place where I can share information with my seventh graders and their parents. But this page is a place where I can tell you a little bit about me and my obsession with all things techie!





Discovery Educator Network

PB Works



4 responses to “About

  1. Jodie Russi

    Helloooooo, Miss McMillan!
    I just wanted to send a comment commending you for such a fun and thorough blog. Wow! Great way to foster communication between you, your students, and parents. I know it takes a lot of time and energy to set this up and maintain.
    Way to “go above and beyond” the norm as a teacher! Keep it up!
    Jodie Russi, WCEA/WASC Visiting Team, 2010

  2. McTeach

    Helloooooo Jodie!

    Looks like I forgot to reply to your comment. My apologies!! Thank you so much for your kind words here and during your WCEA/WASC visit. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it!

  3. Jodie Russi

    You are most welcome! I enjoyed visiting the school and seeing all the wonderful things that go on at CTK…thanks to teachers like you, and a supportive parent group!
    Best wishes for a great end-of-the-year!

  4. Mentioned you in my blog today: etechplace.org/whitlow for a job well done with your blog. Thanks

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