Tag Archives: comments

Random Acts of Kindness At School

A Note To My Colleagues at CTK:

On Monday, you should have discovered a note to you either on your door (if you have one) or in your box in the faculty room. While the great majority of those notes were left for you anonymously, I feel I should at least let you know…it was us! The Seventh Grade. I’m not sharing which student created which note, but I thought you might like to know that the class as a whole was thinking of you.

The purpose of the notes is explained below in a portion of a post I wrote for another blog. Yesterday I had my students reflect on the experience and the comments they shared were overwhelmingly positive. They loved the experience! Everyone agreed that it’s important to let the people in our lives know that they are appreciated for who they are and for the part they play in our lives.

And now it’s your turn. We would love to hear from you about the notes we left around campus. Here are some of the questions the seventh grade came up with yesterday:

  • What was your first reaction when you found your note?
  • Did you know who the note was from? Have any ideas? Were you curious at all?
  • What did you do with your note?
  • Would you be willing to “pay it forward” and write positive notes like ours for the people (or even strangers) in your life? Perhaps a note for someone else here at school?
  • How can we make Random Acts of Kindness something we do more frequently here?
  • Do you have any questions for us?

If you would be so kind, we would love to hear from you in a comment to this post. If you’ve never left a blog comment before, it’s very simple. Directly below the title of the post you will see either “Leave A Comment” or “# Comments” (where # = the number of comments already added). Click on that link and you will be sent to a new page where you can enter your comment. You will be asked for your name, email address (which is required, but remains private), and your website (which is not required. Most people use that box to enter their blog or wiki address.) Use the last box to add your comment and then click “Submit.” That’s it!

We are looking forward to hearing from you! Thank you for your help with our project!

[The following is a portion of the blog post I wrote for the Just A Thought blog]:

Last week was Random Acts of Kindness Week. To celebrate, I asked each of my seventh graders to make one card. Actually, they were more like large notes…one for each and every person who works on our campus. The notes were to be anonymous and had to contain some sort of positive message for all the people at our school who make a difference in the lives of our children. We would deliver them in secret, hopefully, leaving them someplace that their recipient would find them and, again…hopefully…enjoy a moment of appreciation.

Each of my students drew a name out of a hat. Well, not so much a “hat” as a small cardboard box that I just happened to have on my desk. I made note of which student had each member of the faculty and staff, and the students set about making their cards. While I was walking around the room, one of the girls asked me if my name was in the box. I told her I’d kept my name out as we had more grown-ups on campus than I had students.

Care to guess what that student did?

Wait…I’m getting ahead of myself. More on that later.

So today we delivered our notes. All over campus! It was quite amusing to watch these goofy seventh graders trying to tape large notes to classroom doors without being spotted! I even had to run interference for one pair who was trying to tape a note to the Health Room door with its recipient sitting about two feet from them! The two boys got the biggest kick out of that. You would have thought we were secret agents or something.

One of my favorite moments came when I was standing in the computer lab and watched as three of my students delivered their notes to the small office off of the library (we call it the Hot Dog Room for some reason). These students were practically giddy as they snuck into the small room. I had thought they were just going to tape their notes to the door, as we had discussed, but they decided to take advantage of the fact that no one was in that office at the time. They taped three notes to the door and then ventured inside to deliver two more notes.

We had our note adventures late in the day today, so we haven’t yet heard any reaction from anyone on campus except for our school secretary. The student who drew Mrs. Wilson’s name actually taped her note to the large window that Mrs. Wilson sits behind. Nothing secret agent-like about that one, I’m afraid.

Tomorrow I’m going to ask my students to write a reflection on this experience and then ask members of the faculty and staff to share their thoughts as well. You can count on hearing more about this…hopefully tomorrow!

Oh, I guess before I sign off I should share with you what was waiting for me on my door when we got back from computers:

McTeachy. [sigh]


Filed under Students

We Remember Fourth Grade!

We Love Reading!

In class this morning, we traveled back in time a few years to revisit our fourth grade reading list. We talked about how much we enjoyed (or didn’t) reading back when we were fourth grade, and we talked about books that we might recommend to a fourth grader who doesn’t necessarily enjoy reading as much as we do now (right?!)

Our discussion was based on a blog post I read over the weekend titled Warning! Don’t Let This Be You! I think most teachers, myself included, have a hard time understanding why some people hate to read. Maybe students like yourselves who are closer in age to Mrs. Kolbert’s fourth graders can help us figure this out. Were you a reluctant reader? Do you have a sibling who is or was a reluctant reader? How did you or your sibling learn to enjoy reading?

Let’s start with these two questions:

  • What would you say to someone who says they hate to read?
  • What books would you recommend to a fourth grader? Explain why. Is there a book you would especially recommend to someone who doesn’t like to read?

Please respond to these questions in the form of a comment to this post. Let’s start talking about books!

Photo Books from the Past by Lin Pernille


Filed under Books

Adding Comments

I know you’re all anxious to begin the conversation with your classmates, but I’m going to ask you to wait until we talk about how and why we add comments. Remember these blogs are for educational purposes, not for general chatting with your buddies.

You have cellphones for that! 🙂

If you have already added comments, please delete them if you can. Or if someone has added a comment to your blog, please delete it. Thank you!


Filed under Students