Homework for Monday

What Did You Say?

Yes, that’s right, Grendel. I said “Homework for Monday.” Don’t worry, though. My students LOVE getting last minute homework assignments that have to be done over the weekend…even if it IS a holiday weekend! Trust me.

Mmmm...I Love Homework!

Oh, come on, Connor! That’s the oldest line in the book…”the dog ate my homework!” Puh-lease! Besides, we do a lot of homework on our blogs, so unless you’re going to start chewing on computer cables find something else to gnaw on!

Now, on to your assignment! It involves some research, but I’ll provide you with the websites to read which should make this much easier. First let’s start with our guiding question for this activity:

Why is McTeach so excited?!

Using the following websites, write a one-sentence answer and post it here as a comment. Got it? Excellent.

First website: The Picture Show Blog – Freeze Frame

Second website: Palmer Station

Third website: South for Summer

Oh please, that's so easy...

…even a dog could figure it out!

Alright, George, take it easy. At least give them time to look over the websites I so painstakingly put together. Then they can add their comment to this post and tell us what they think the answer is.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Can’t wait to see you on Monday!!


Filed under Homework

13 responses to “Homework for Monday

  1. Luke

    I think that Mcteach is excited because she got a response on our spreadsheet from a researcher working in Palmer Station in Antarctica.

  2. Sean

    I think we are going to start studying the area around palmer Station.

  3. Dominic D

    Ms. McMillan is so excited because reaserch is being done in Antartica about climate change and about animals, this can help us with our geography quest that we have started.

  4. Sierra

    Sorry thought it meant to say one sentence about each blog post.

    Mcteach is so excited because, people are trying to help the animals around the area in Antartica

  5. Kate M.

    Did you get a response from Antarctica?

  6. Alexa

    I think McTeach is so excited because we got a response on our National Geography Week survey from Palmer Station.

  7. Jack Loftus

    Are we going to study antarctica?

  8. Jack Loftus

    No, we ARE going to study antartica.

  9. Nick M.

    Ms. McMillan is so excited because we are going to be either studying the Arctic peninsula or we are going to be keeping track of someone who is there.

  10. Emily

    Well, before I read the links I thought you were so excited because you were going to be honored by our presence tomorrow, but do we post the real answer here or on our blogs?

    • McTeach

      I think Miss Emily wins the most entertaining comment award! Honored by your presence, eh? Hmmm…we’ll see.

      You don’t need to post an answer, real or not, anywhere. This wasn’t really “homework.” Just trying to relay some information in a more amusing fashion. It didn’t work, apparently.

  11. ctktechteach

    Exciting to hear from Antarctica. It think it might be warmer there this morning than in the computer lab!

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