We’re Here!

We have made it safe and somewhat sound to Camp Caritas. The bus ride was, well, interesting. As soon as the bus pulled out onto Brandon Road, they all started singing “The Wheels On The Bus Go Round and Round.” I’d like to know who put them up to that! You are soooooooo on my list!!!

About an hour after we left, they started in with the “Are we there yet?” and “How much longer?” or its evil twin “What time is it?” And then there was the following:

Angelo: “I’m bored.”

Nick M.: “Are we stopping at McDonald’s?”

Michael: “HA!! Drive Thru!!”

McTeach: [sigh]

Slow forward (as opposed to fast forward) to 10:30…our bus stopped at some railroad tracks and the kids all called out in unison: “Are we there yet??!!” Great. As we started to move forward, everyone started singing again…The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round, Round and Round, Round and Round….


But the singing didn’t stop until we got to Camp…an hour and a half later! Some of the highlights (or lowlights, depending on your perspective):

  • Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
  • Row, Row, Row Your Boat
  • You Belong With Me (Taylor Swift) – everybody was singing that one!
  • Jesus Take the Wheel (Carrie Underwood)
  • There was even a little Journey…Don’t Stop Believing

It was about that time that we passed the Korbel winery. Teacher started singing, “Oh please, oh please, oh please…”

To bring in a little education, they also sang The Alphabet Song! But it was when they started singing The Itsy Bitsy Spider that I had to say something. “Ok, seriously?!”

The wireless has been fairly spotty this afternoon, but I will do my best to add posts to this blog. I should probably start a new page for my Caritas journal. One last thing…you know you’re going to have a good day when God smiles on you like this:

Beautiful Morning

Beautiful Morning



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5 responses to “We’re Here!

  1. Laurie

    Lovely…now I have that stuck in MY head!!
    They don’t pay you enough, McTeach 🙂

  2. Emily

    That was funny, do you have the other pictures you took of Caritas up on the blog? If you do, can you tell me where to find them? If not, can you post them?

  3. That is awesome McTeach and I wish we could stay there for another week and entertain you with more of our wonderful singing voices. You love us McTeach and I will sing right now!!!

  4. Kate M.

    I have a feeling that you didn’t enjoy the ride back, McTeach. ( I wouldn’t enjoy that either.)

  5. Ani

    I thought you loved our singing!!!!! By the way I started itsy bitsy spider.

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